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Neural Networks

I read and heard the term Neural Networks come up a lot during my research on Data Science topics. Looking at the literal phrase, it looks to be something related to the human brain and how the various components of the brain connect or network with each other. Simplistically that it what it is. It is a collection of neurons or nodes (in computer talk) talking to each other and through a complex hidden process produces a desired output. Since I am learning driving right now, I thought it will be a good idea to explain in terms of that. One of the neurons (Turny) is focused on detecting turns. Another neuron (Colory) can detect change in traffic lights. And a third neuron (Braky) can control the brakes of the car. On the way from my home to school, Turny keeps on giving me instructions if I must turn or go straight at a particular intersection. At the same time Colory keeps an eye on the traffic lights and keeps on letting me know if the traffic light is red or amber or green. Braky lets me know if I must keep my foot on the brake pedal or the accelerator pedal. Throughout my drive the 3 neurons keep on talking to each other through various possible combinations. To make a successful turn, Turny should tell me that at the Grovers Mill Road intersection, I must turn left. At the same time Colory should tell me that the traffic light is Green and Braky should tell me to keep my foot on the accelerator pedal. For that combination I can successfully execute my turn and reach school safe and sound. For any other combination it can be risky (e.g. if the traffic light is amber) or outright stupid (e.g if the traffic light is red) Computer neural networks behave in a similar manner simulating the function of a human brain.

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