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One of the latest trends that is currently creating a buzz is ChatGPT – an automated AI bot that you can interact with in a conversational way. This led me to think if I can try some conversations with Data Science in mind. The first thing that came to my mind is if it can write some programs for me and without expecting much I typed “Write a R program for word cloud”. And to my surprise it did write a code snippet that does create a word cloud and gave an additional tip to create larger word clouds. I was intrigued to try more. “Write a python script to show an example of neural network” And it came back with a script with an example of a simple neural network implemented in Python. I am sure if I kept on trying it would always give me an answer. Now all I need is use it as a base and modify as per my needs. Will it become smarter as days go by? ChatGPT will make the job of a Data

Science programmer redundant by writing complex programs in a fraction of the time that it would take a human.

And why stop just there. It can gather data for you and analyze data. It can do data cleansing, data visualization and make decisions for you. Hey Data Science as a field will no longer exist. Well for now it is a figment of my imagination and a bit extreme, but everything is possible. Practically I think ChatGPT could be a very useful tool and it could have multiple modules dealing with various areas such as Medicine, Technology, Tourism, History and so on. It could be crowd sourced to make it more intelligent. Going back to Data Science (till the field is still around) – a human using Data Science techniques and algorithms could analyze the kind of questions being asked of ChatGPT and derive insights from it. It

could lead to trends and encourage further related questions just like Netflix gives movie suggestions or Amazon pushes us to buy more related items.

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