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What is Data Science?

Data Science is a STEM field that includes mainly 4 steps. Data Collecting, Data Wrangling, Data Analyzing, and Data Representing. First off, data collecting is exactly what the name sounds like, collecting data. For example, one could collect data on types of shirts, and create a table that displays the style, the color, the price, the cloth, etc. Then comes data wrangling, which is looking into the data and eliminating the data that does not make sense or does not apply. For example, a targeted advertisement would eliminate all the things the customer does not want, because they do not want to waste money advertising things that does not interest the customer. In the shirt example, based on the customer’s search history, perhaps they like red short sleeved shirts made from cotton that are between $15 and $30. Out of 100,000 shirt results, the advertisers get rid of 90,000 let’s say. Then comes data analyzing, which is looking at the data and making conclusions from it. Data wrangling and data analyzing go together because the advertisement companies have to analyze the customer’s search history to see what the customer is interested in. Lots of money would be wasted if the customer got ads for soccer equipment when they in fact despise soccer and play basketball instead. So in this example, the data analyzing would be when the computer realizes that the customer wants a red shirt. Finally, the last step is data representation, when the data that has been collected is revealed in a visual form. This could be as graphs, info charts, etc. It is just a way to show the data, and this could be done by the actual advertisement itself, because it is representing the data the advertisement company has received.

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