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Data Visualization in the Marketing Field

The final part of the Data Analysis spectrum is Data Visualization. Data Visualization is essentially how the data is displayed. It is the way the data is communicated to its audience. Some of the ways data can be represented is through graphs or charts, but it can also be represented in more unique ways. This can include a model, or a scene. In the marketing field, data is displayed differently for the customers and the company. Usually the company will get the data of their sales, for example, through a graph. They can then interpret this graph and make improvements in their store. The customer does not actually get to see the graph, but they get to see the data through the way the store is organized. Let’s take a deeper look into this. Often times people come into the grocery store just to buy milk or bread. These two items have short expiry dates, therefore they are constantly in demand. However, stores want their customers to buy more than just one or two items. According to their sales charts, they have seen that a lot of people just come into the store for the basics, and they don’t end up buying anything else. Therefore, the store puts their milk and bread items all the way in the back of the store. This way, the customer will have to walk through all the other isles and perhaps get some cookies or something else on the way. If the bread and milk were placed at the front of the store, many people would just quickly go in and then come out. Studies have shown that humans often get distracted. If a person has to get milk and bread from the last isle in the store, something else might catch their eye, causing them to spend more. Many grocery stores, such as Target, have been proven to using this marketing tactic, and it all stems from the data they collected, and how they interpreted it. As can be seen, Data Science is very practical and important in the marketing field. We have gone through the whole process and explained each part in detail, and we have seen how it all comes together to make a company succeed.

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